The dynamic nature of employment and income in the Legal Amazon: highly skilled and leadership occupations

This is the fourth in a series of four notes reporting the results of the study entitled The Dynamic Nature of Employment and Income in the Legal Amazon developed under the Amazônia 2030 project (AMZ 2030). The study deepens the discussion on the economic vitality of the Legal Amazon, based on the identification of occupations and sectors that have contributed the most to employment and income generation in the region in the recent period (2012-2019). The paper uses data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua – PNAD Contínua) conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE) and continues the research on the dynamics of the Labor Market in the Legal Amazon, the first in the series of AMZ 2030 publications. This note presents the results of the study of both high skilled occupations and occupations in which professionals play a leadership role.

The main results of the analysis of the evolution of occupations that require higher skills and a leadership role in the region show: (i) a significant reduction in employment in these occupations, especially for scientists and engineers, and company directors and managers; and (ii) that this decrease in employment has been particularly pronounced for young workers (aged 18 to 29). These results illustrate the low capacity of the Legal Amazon to attract and retain talent.